Friday, 27 September 2013


French breakfast has more leafs then the other and improved growing.

Amethyst radishes same size as last update.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


OHHHHH..... It grew bigger....... :D
It grew faster then the  Amethyst... 

This one didn't grew as much as the other one...

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Growth update

Grown in 2 weeks.             French breakfast radishes


French breakfast and amethyst radishes

 Question- we have two different kinds of radishes. They are from the same company. We want to find out which kind will grow better.

Seeds- west coast seeds. (Amethyst) and (French breakfast) radishes 

Procedure- Plant 12 radishes in 5 rows totally of 60 radishes in each bin. The soil and the water is the same in both bins. They are getting the same amount of sun light too. 

Harvest- we think that the radishes will be ready in 5weeks or more.

French breakfast radishes 

Amethyst radishes